rest in peace, miriam makeba
at the age of 76, miriam makeba died earlier this week. South African singer Makeba dies at 76 South African anti-apartheid singer Miriam Makeba has died aged 76 after being […]
a blog by markus nolf
at the age of 76, miriam makeba died earlier this week. South African singer Makeba dies at 76 South African anti-apartheid singer Miriam Makeba has died aged 76 after being […]
here’s a nice version of “bawo, thixo somandla” – one of my favourite traditional south african songs, sung by pro cantu: i also found a general introduction and the translation […]
my hobby: finding animal references where others wouldn’t look for them. “nun seid ihr wohl geROCHEN”1 j.s. bach’s christmas oratorio, nr. 64 (choral) rochen is german for (sting-)ray [↩]
man hält das glück viel zu oft für unvergänglich, und der verstand ist für die wahrheit nicht empfänglich: das glück ist keineswegs normal, und selbstverständlich ist alles irdische letztendlich ziemlich […]
my commute to university is about 45 minutes in one direction. that means i have 90 minutes of potentially unused/lost time per day, which i’m currently spending organizing and processing […] the completely-wrong lyrics-transcription is in german, so there’s a funny part you english-speaking folk are missing, but still…