a few weeks back, my parents and i went on a hike to halleranger alm.
the term “alm” generally describes sort of an alpine inn – a restaurant up in the mountains, often also serving as a hotel/guesthouse.
halleranger alm is located at a very beautiful spot* – on a hill in a small valley (whose name i couldn’t find out ANYWHERE).
* which unfortunately you can’t really see in tirol’s version of google maps… the photos are better suited to give you an impression.
on the way up to lafatscher joch (the mountain we had to cross to get to the other valley), i noticed how everybody we met was friendly and likeable – and two minutes after we talked about how “the hiking folk” is just close to nature and open-minded, we found the exception to our theory: a middle-aged woman who made it clear (non-verbally) that she wasn’t enjoying to greet other people. she was the only one up there, though…