original post: 28.10.2005 23:02
some more photos from the byers-visit.
text will follow…
maybe a few notes rather than “text”:
we went for a walk from hinterhornalm to walderalm, some 40 minutes from home.
- tom wanted to play around with his new nikon d70s, and was twit by a dragonfly that hovered in front of him whenever he was NOT ready :-)
- unexpectedly, i found lots of little newts in a kind-of pond.
all i could think of was the famous qoute from monty python and the holy grail [de]: “she turned me into a newt!” – “a newt?” – “i got better!” - when i looked up “alm” (as in walderalm), the dictionary said that “pasture” would be a good translation. in fact, alm is more like an alpine-hut restaurant in northern tirol.
[view photos: a walk to walderalm]
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