here are a few impressions from a recent field trip to outback australia, more precisely western new south wales. our route included stops in toorale national park, wilcannia, broken hill and mootwingee (mutawintji) national park and kinchega national park.
i’ll let the pictures and captions speak for themselves.
on our way northwest
very very straight lines (near bourke, nsw)
red soil (near bourke, nsw)
postcard from bourke. you’ve gotta work with what sight’s you’ve got (or had).
a simple pulling over manoeuvre can be a big mistake (toorale national park)
toorale national park
toorale national park
toorale national park – accommodation in the middle of nowhere
panorama: toorale national park
driving through the outback (toorale national park)
curious kangaroo
amazing night sky in toorale national park
fun with poles
toorale national park floodplains
the office
sandy nose (echidna close-up, toorale national park)
cobar is the place to be… for mining, dancing, more mining, and horse races.
cheapside butchery – carcass and small goods (cobar, nsw)
closed-down butcher in wilcannia, nsw
spidey legs
harlequin mistletoe (lysiana exocarpi)
closed-down shops in wilcannia, nsw
closed-down shops in wilcannia, nsw
kangaroos on the road? you don’t say! ;)
dirt road just outside mutawintji/mootwingee national park
broken hill feels like a friendly town from a wild west movie.
turns out intersport is an international company (broken hill, nsw)
sturt’s desert pea (swainsona formosa) may well be the most beautiful pea in the world.
dead trees on the banks of the ephemeral lake menindee (kinchega national park)
kinchega national park accommodation
all you need for a comfy stay all by yourself in the national park: a blanket and a book.
dewdrops in a spiderweb complex
panorama: darling river, barely even flowing in kinchega national park
dewdrops in spiderwebs
psyllids on blackbox
desert flowers (kinchega national park)
know-it-all kangaroo knows it all
a reminder of home
witnesses of better times at lake cawndilla, kinchega national park
360 degree panorama: on the shore of lake cawndilla, kinchega national park
the real outback australia, kinchega national park
the desert is alive: mass flowering of annual fleshy groundsel (senecio gregorii), kinchega national park. the desert is alive: mass flowering of annual fleshy groundsel (senecio gregorii)
the desert is alive: mass flowering of annual fleshy groundsel (senecio gregorii), kinchega national park. the desert is alive: mass flowering of annual fleshy groundsel (senecio gregorii) in kinchega national park
“the long-drop style pit toilets (…) were built over an old station rubbish dump, which has possible archaeological significance but has not yet been excavated.” sounds like a pretty shit job. (kinchega national park)
historic sheep shearing station, kinchega national park
kangaroo hand- and footprints
kinchega national park – the desert, after rainfall
desert plants, kinchega national park
bottle-tree spurge (euphorbia stevenii)
panorama: kinchega national park – the desert, after rainfall
panorama: kinchega national park – the desert, after rainfall
fruit fly exclusion border outside mildura, victoria
there’s a pattern!
a huge fallen eucalypt tree isn’t quite ready to give up.