piz val gronda, a summit right at the swiss-austrian border, used to be a site of beautiful biological and geological diversity. it used to be home to several species very rare in austria, most notably, the rock partridge (alectoris graeca) and a species of hawksbeard (crepis rhaetica). it also features a unique landscape with geological rarities (at least in austria) such as gypsum sinkholes (dolines).
late last year, after more than 28 years of trying, the ski industry eventually won and was granted permission to build a ski lift up to the top of the mountain. that is, ignoring several nature conservation expert’s reports that warn against a pristine and unique ecosystem being damaged or lost forever. the european union has announced preparations for an investigation into austria’s incomplete natura 2000 implementations, but meanwhile, the diggers are already in place and construction is set to begin very soon.
i took part in a botanical excursion to the area in question, two years ago, to learn more about its inhabitants and beauty. in this post i’d like to present some very rare plant species from the region, as well as other botanical highlights: carex bicolor, carex microglochis, crepis rhaetica, juncus triglumis, poa glauca, primula integrifolia, taraxacum handelii and taraxacum pacheri.
in all of austria, the entire-leaved primrose (primula integrifolia) only occurs in the fimba valley (fimbatal)
in all of austria, the entire-leaved primrose (primula integrifolia) only occurs in the fimba valley (fimbatal)
arctic rush (juncus arcticus)
alpine buttercup (ranunculus alpestris)
alpine buttercup (ranunculus alpestris)
purple mountain saxifrage (saxifraga oppositifolia) – the highest-occuring alpine plant grows on altitudes of 4000+ meters, and in latitudes of 80+ degrees
purple mountain saxifrage (saxifraga oppositifolia) – the highest-occuring alpine plant grows on altitudes of 4000+ meters, and in latitudes of 80+ degrees
taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour
taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour
taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour
taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour. taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour [rare]
taraxacum handelii, one of the botanical highlights of our tour
glaucus bluegrass (poa glauca), a very rare species
glaucus bluegrass (poa glauca), a very rare species
glaucus bluegrass (poa glauca), a very rare species
glaucus bluegrass (poa glauca), a very rare species
taraxacum pacheri, another extremely rare species in austria
crepis rhaetica – extremely rare in austria
crepis rhaetica, extremely rare in austria
crepis rhaetica, extremely rare in austria
crepis rhaetica, extremely rare in austria
three-flowered rush (juncus triglumis)
three-flowered rush (juncus triglumis)
two-coloured sedge (carex bicolor)
fewseeded bog sedge (carex microglochin), extremely rare in austria
fewseeded bog sedge (carex microglochin), extremely rare in austria