since bat photos of certain species are rather rare – even here on the internet – i’ve collected some of my best shots and finally processed them all properly.
here’s part one of three, containing photos of the lesser horseshoe bat (rhinolophus hipposideros ), northern bat (eptesicus nilsonii ), serotine bat (eptesicus serotinus ), parti-coloured bat (vespertilio murinus ) and the common noctule (nyctalus noctula ).
german captions are available in the bat photo gallery (1/3) .
rhinolophus hipposideros (en: lesser horseshoe bat, de: kleine hufeisennase, fr: petit rhinolophe fer à cheval)
rhinolophus hipposideros (en: lesser horseshoe bat, de: kleine hufeisennase, fr: petit rhinolophe fer à cheval)
rhinolophus hipposideros (en: lesser horseshoe bat, de: kleine hufeisennase, fr: petit rhinolophe fer à cheval)
rhinolophus hipposideros (en: lesser horseshoe bat, de: kleine hufeisennase, fr: petit rhinolophe fer à cheval)
eptesicus nilssonii (en: northern bat, de: nordfledermaus, fr: sérotine de nilsson, sérotine boréale)
eptesicus nilssonii (en: northern bat, de: nordfledermaus, fr: sérotine de nilsson, sérotine boréale)
eptesicus serotinus (en: serotine bat, de: breitflügelfledermaus, fr: sérotine commune)
eptesicus serotinus (en: serotine bat, de: breitflügelfledermaus, fr: sérotine commune)
eptesicus serotinus (en: serotine bat, de: breitflügelfledermaus, fr: sérotine commune)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
vespertilio murinus (en: parti-coloured bat, rearmouse, de: zweifarbfledermaus, fr: sérotine bicolore)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)
nyctalus noctula (en: common noctule, de: grosser abendsegler, fr: noctule commune)