previous parts:
taking the public boat out of the togeans, we arrived in the little town of ampana, which if i’m not mistaken, is pretty much only there because there are public boats to the togeans.
we had been warned not to trust a woman called “ufa” or a man named “mr. coral”, and it didn’t take long until a woman with an american accent offered to help us find our way. however, she turned out to be the owner of “island retreat”, the second of two accommodation options in bomba, and she did indeed help us by making a few phone calls.
the typical tourist track in sulawesi starts in the south (makassar) and via tana toraja (rantepao) leads up to the togeans. because it’s a long way, many use the semi-private 4-wheel-drive transport option to go north, but few want to go in the other direction. thus, it was fairly cheap (only 2x the public bus fare) to get on one of the 4-wheel-drives on their often passenger-less way back south.
after a 6+ hour ride with an extremely talkative german family of three, we made a 2 day stop in tentena, at the north tip of lake poso. it’s a sympathetic little town that has to offer daytime temperatures around 20 °C (an effect of the altitude), the waterfall “air terjun salopa”[] in close vicinity, some hard-to-find megalithic remains, and the local specialty “sugili” (eel). we also found a stewed bat dish at a “rumah makan” (small restaurant) and dared to try it – it was disgusting on so many levels. the sugili, on the other hand was delicious and is a must-try!
it took us about 10 more hours by semi-private car, and we arrived at the next major destination of our trip: rantepao in torajaland (tana toraja) – “a cultural documentary brought to life”, as put by lonely planet. some of the highlights in the region include elaborate and fascinating funeral ceremonies, beautiful scenery and architecture, and various types of graves everywhere.
in short, we visited pasar bolu (bolu market), where people sell and buy water buffalos and pigs as gifts or for sacrifice at the funerals. we went to see a torajan funeral ceremony including the sacrifice and dismantling of an entire buffalo, drove our scooter through amazing rice landscapes, saw a baby grave tree, kings’ grave and cave graves, listened to a youth bamboo orchestra, tasted pig’s feet and water buffalo (guess which was better!), and, in the end, fell ill and had to skip the hiking part.
within just one week, virtually all of our senses were violated.
a few other notes:
- the local menus had some ingrish highlights in them, such as “advocado with srimps”, or “large bear” among the drinks.
- we enjoyed an evening at mart’s cafe, which featured some of the local guides, a guitar, and some all-time classics where just one or two place names in the lyrics were replaced by “toraja”. :)
- our guide, ucu, was a bit late when we first met him, because he came straight from a cock fight. (he was an excellent guide!)
- when i went into a pharmacy to ask for electrolyte powder, i couldn’t finish my question before he said, repeatedly, “abis!” (we’re out of it) he wasn’t very interested in what i wanted, as long as he could avoid talking to me in english.
- there’s a single travel agency in town, and it took us 90+ minutes to book a flight for two.
we checked out several accommodation options in rantepao, and these are our hotel recommendations:
- losmen tropicana: nice location, sitting on top of a hill overlooking the town. friendly, clean, smallish rooms with bright pictures. breakfast is not included.
- hotel victory: we didn’t stay here, but probably should have. mrs. doris, the owner, is a friendly, very helpful woman who can refer guides for the nearby national park, and she has the right contacts for semi-private transport.
- pias poppies: this may have been the top place in 2009 (lonely planet), but the prices have since doubled, breakfast is no longer included, and we didn’t find it that nice after all. rooms were ok.
- hotel pison: right next to pias poppies. this hotel has similar prices, but seemed decidedly worse than the other.
- wisma maria I: plain, good-sized and clean rooms for a good price (incl. breakfast). there’s a board with current funeral schedules, and somehow the travellers we met here seemed the most sympathetic. we switched hotels, though, after the both of us, as well as a neighbour, all got sick on the same day. a breakfast incident, maybe?
- duta 88: this place is a little oasis right in the center of town. quiet tongkonan (typical torajan) cottages in a lush garden. the higher price was justified by very clean rooms, hot water and staff that allowed us to stay in our cottage until the bus departed at 8 pm.

tentena: the bridge for pedestrians and motorcycles

panorama: tentena’s eel traps, at the mouth of danau poso.

tentena’s eel traps, at the mouth of danau poso.

waste disposal. (who would throw away a perfectly good rooster?)

i would not want to have a medical emergency in tentena! (not that it was much better elsewhere…)

this woman sells fresh bananas and fresh donuts. the ideal shop!

panorama: air terjun salopa (salopa waterfalls) near tentena

a particularly wet stairway at air terjun salopa (salopa waterfalls)

a particularly wet stairway at air terjun salopa (salopa waterfalls)

air terjun salopa (salopa waterfalls)

panorama: air terjun salopa (salopa waterfalls)

heavy rainfalls on the way back. i wished i also had a bucket.

two indonesian boys in the rain.

adventure dinner: spicy stewed fruit bat

panorama: pamona indah permai, the only actual restaurant in tentena, is a mix between a restaurant, shop and garage.

the sugili (eel), on the other hand, was splendid! (pamona indah permai)

the road south. next stop: rantepao, tana toraja.

public bus

rantepao, tana toraja: on our way to pasar bolu (bolu market), we saw our first water buffalos.

take-away pig strapped to a mororcycle (pasar bolu)

pasar bolu, rantepao. vegetable section

water buffalos at the livestock market (pasar bolu)

water buffalos at the livestock market (pasar bolu)

water buffalos at the livestock market (pasar bolu)

close examination of roosters for cockfights (pasar bolu)

typical traffic at pasar bolu, rantepao.

panorama: flooded rice fields in buntao, toraja land

panorama: flooded rice fields in buntao, toraja land

on our way to the torajan funeral ceremonies, buntao, tana toraja

pigs strapped to bamboo, at the entrance of the funeral site (torajan funeral ceremony)

panorama: temporary buildings at the funeral site (torajan funeral ceremony)

the funeral site (torajan funeral ceremony)

torajan funeral ceremony

torajan funeral ceremony

pig delivery. guests bring gifts for the family of the deceased (torajan funeral ceremony)

pigs to be sacrificed (torajan funeral ceremony)

cigarettes for the guests (torajan funeral ceremony)

torajan funeral ceremony

tea and cookies for the guests (torajan funeral ceremony)

torajan funeral ceremony

tongkonan building (torajan funeral ceremony)

a water buffalo is led to the center of the site (torajan funeral ceremony)

the water buffalo to be sacrificed (torajan funeral ceremony)

the coffins are taken from the house to a place overlooking the sacrifice site (torajan funeral ceremony)

double funeral: father and cousin died within one year, so the family decided to do a joint funeral.

the buffalo is about to be sacrificed. the crowd gathers around, even the locals prepare to take pictures. (torajan funeral ceremony)

please continue only, if you’re prepared to see dead animals.

traditional water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

some of the water buffalo’s blood is collected (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

a kid testing whether the sacrificed water buffalo is really dead (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

the skinning starts. water buffalo sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo skinning (torajan funeral ceremony)

water buffalo skinning (torajan funeral ceremony)

traditional pig sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

pig sacrifice (torajan funeral ceremony)

the pig’s hair is burned off (torajan funeral ceremony)

the pig is taken apart immediately, to be cooked right away (torajan funeral ceremony)

torajan funeral ceremony

kids are watching the processing of the water buffalo, dogs try to snitch some meat.

kids are watching the processing of the water buffalo.

a little boy receives a pair of buffalo hooves to play with.

ucu, our guide for the day

panorama: rice terraces in toraja land

rocky roads. i was surprised to find out what an ordinary scooter can take.

rice field and (alive) water buffalo

a worker separates the rice grains from the chaff.

lunch: cooked pig’s trotter with rice. “it’s good meat, there’s no fat!”

flat tire on ucu’s bike. this was an unsuccessful attempt at closing the hole by melting the rubber under pressure.

on the way back from the funeral ceremony

rice terraces in tana toraja

rice terraces in tana toraja

paniorama: rice terraces in tana toraja

tongkonan (traditional torajan) rice storage buildings. the more rice fields you own, the more of them you have, the richer your family is.

an ordinary house with tongkonan extension.

panorama: tongkonan rice storage buildings. traditional torajan architecture.

panorama: rice fields near buntao

objek wisata, a torajan baby grave tree

panorama: objek wisata, a torajan baby grave tree

babies under 3 months of age are buried in a holy tree to give them back to nature. (baby grave tree)

several of the older graves are almost completely closed into the tree. (baby grave tree in kambira, tana toraja, sulawesi)

panorama: oni ballo, torajan bamboo orchestra

oni ballo, torajan bamboo orchestra

christian church with tongkonan extension

kings’ stone grave. wooden effigies of the dead kings called “tau tau” protect the graves.

panorama: torajan cave grave

panorama: ancient coffins and tau tau – torajan cave grave

ancient coffins and tau tau – torajan cave grave

tongkonan style cottages at duta 88 – a quiet little oasis in the middle of rantepao

torajan ornaments at a tongkonan cottage at duta 88

torajan ornaments at a tongkonan cottage at duta 88

pa’piong – water buffalo meat, vegetables and coconut, cooked in bamboo. a torajan specialty worth trying!

“Due to insufficient coins supply from the Bank of Indonesia. Temporarily, we may substitute your coin with candies. Sorry for the inconvenience.”